
Welcome to Kehelland Village School

Welcome to our website, we hope that it gives you a good idea of what our school is about and how we do things. We aim for this to be a single point of information and help for our community and for anyone wanting to find out more about us. If you are new to our school, we would encourage you to call and arrange to come and see us to experience our wonderful school community.

The staff and governors are extremely proud of our school and the achievements of the children. We work closely with parents, children and the community to build on our success and work towards the future. Our School is committed to safeguarding children and building life long learners.

We are proud to be a small school with a big heart. At Kehelland we strive to embed a strong sense of self in all children, developing and celebrating individuality. Kehelland is a family that works hard for each other, fills minds with awe and wonder, nurtures high aspirations and a desire for lifelong learning. Enthusiasm, joy and success are the fruit all children have a right to, and our vision is to deliver this by removing barriers to success and any fear of failure. Together Team Kehelland believes everything is possible.

We are Safe

We are Loved

We are Joyful

We Succeed

We are Making Memories

The Kehelland Team